Monday, June 17, 2013

Graduation !

Day I completed my Undergrad, Listening to music and never focused on the lyrics, Just the tunes, I came up with this...

It is virtually impossible to compete in today's global economy without a college degree.
-Bobby Scott

Now as an Engineer, To focus more in life I set my goals to a higher limit. Engineering was one of it, Achieved ! Ready to face the world of politics, corruption, investments, people, brains nested with em and challenges. (all as to in-terms corporate world). Gosh sounds like so much and I am not ready yet, for whatever reason i had this feeling that I am gonna go through this and have no clue why i had this feeling, its all about Wrestling and to measure the amount of success, how high i go or how much money i make. How do i know that its worth living my life for, Do i need anyone, whom do i need, where do i need?   Else I do it alone? (just to say i already have one, but still want to do it on my own)
This is the solution i came up FOR NOW, for an individual to have  a perfect understanding about their living, Goes like this :) Moments Flyby, people come by, emotions pass by, feelings some stay, some change, some makes you strong or tear apart, at the end no one make u happy than yourself, born in this world with many people around you who are not promised to come along all the way till your last.. So death happens unknowingly ( if you know your death is coming up, stop thinking about and live your life). Do the work, until it satisfies you, Once you are satisfied, There is no need to satisfy nother ! Self realization and self confidence can drive an individual to any heights and make his living worthwhile !

Dated : 15-06-2013

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