Sunday, September 01, 2013

Is Self-righteousness Right? Do I have to accept it ?

The closeness, fondness, respect, attitude, smile, all this seems to just fade when you don't strike the right chord in your action of life when its required. Taking the most simple example - A relationship, You continue to let it stay it stays happily and not take it in thoughts and strangle it to death?
Regret Regret Regret !! Am i doing it right? I was not asked to be in this obnoxious situation, I indeed brought myself here and swear to that god, its not comfortable to be here. There is no need for one to impose your self qualities/principles on the other just coz you are right and perfect (if you feel so). Let he live by his standards and see where he ends up on his values, you never know he MIGHT be right in his way and he being unique from you. If you were right, he indeed did learn his lesson ! Be this kinda teacher. From this post, I tell clearly please don't be bossed over by anyone in this universe. You are in control of your own emotions and personality, You are alone !! Choose what is right for you...
My point of view here is being unhappy, you have wasted a moment in life. I need a new place to live? Am i wrong trying to save myself?  I am just confused.. I leave it to you readers is that being self-righteous is right on one's part if so it leaves the other blank and unhappy?