Monday, September 27, 2010

Yeuk !!

The Mojo , behemoth sized Knowledge. Was all that made a change. !!
She has\had a Boyfren.. that never came in my mind. It was her voice , Character , attitude , Living style. As commonly said!
JUST CARRIED ME AWAY. (*_*). Love is a feeling?? Never. Its a MAGIC that turns your thoughts upside down and makes you feel a fall of the tallest cliff. Kept me blind from all the people who cared and kept me deaf n dumb from all the souls wanting to talk and hear from me. Not everyone you WISH FOR WILL COME WITH. Kept the daily activities wandering around to find time to talk. Sounds all like a blab, yeah jump in my shoes to feel this bumpy trek ;) I feel Compunction at last.
"The beginning of compunction is the beginning of a new life." ;) :)

To be Contd.