Monday, October 31, 2016

To the new beginning and adventures..

Sunday, August 14th 2016, realization 2 years since I spent my life in'Merica. Grades? Awards? Recognitions? Research? Projects? Friends? Traveler? Memories? Credit-score? Achieved em all, oh wait also graduated from masters in Mechanical Engineering on August 6th, 2016.

What next? Well, I had kept my options open, wrote proposals for PhD programs, spammed online applications at job portals, networked with some amazing people from all over the world, multiple interviews faced, Proud about the very first interview I had in my very first moments of climbing the corporate ladder, I nailed it, finally one job offer that falls together also got out of my sight due to contingency. To continue, rest interviews sent my hope's rise and fall while chasing a sunset. One ray of hope and then lost the same a.k.a rejections.

As the calendar hit Sunday, September 18th, 2016, this day, 25 years ago I entered this world, was the day I really dreamt myself being calm and settled with either a dream job/novel research, well he had thought about a different design, I felt nothing would go as planned. Rather I was just another jobologist, battling with the fear of losing myself of being unemployed for that period was most painful. Dad told me any moment you feel hopeless about the job search pack the bags and come home.

Just like every other morning, networking, spamming applications and reading articles. I met this professional from an energy engineering firm over LinkedIn, expressed my interests and asked for leads. His response was really warm and he asked to get in touch on a phone call in a week. It was again another ray of hope but I felt it was strong. The conversation went well, he asked me if I was interested to move another city (SLC,UT) and I said 'Oh yeah I am always ready for an adventure'. The conversation kept building up, met senior engineers from the firm. Then the director told me I have checked off multiple boxes in his list and will be following up with multiple rounds of interview, It shared all my experience and I was asked to have my final interview with the President of the company who has helped the field of energy efficiency on multitude levels. Delighted to meet and I delivered my best and was positive about this. Still, I did not give up trying other offers in different organizations.

October 7th, I received an offer letter stating by an engineering 'We are extremely excited at the prospect of you joining our team in Salt Lake City. You have impressed us during the interview process and your references were excellent. Attached is an employment offer letter for the position of an Engineer'. I felt all that positive hopes and hard work didn't go in vain. I met a lot of great people and learned a lot how the whole 'Landing in a job' process worked. From my experience always be humble, thankful and work in diligence. The hiring manager or even any personnel expects you be yourself and make sure you put a smile on their face by the end of the conversation.

My references to this job were strong, they helped me a lot. It was not by force but they really wanted me to land a good job and always kept me motivated from where I could carry forward my current expertise ahead.

Here I start this new journey, much more tell about how Salt Lake City is treating me. Will update soon. But not to forget I want to take this moment to thank everyone heartily, I am indebted to you all who helped me stay strong through this phase, I needed all that motivation and I am most thankful to my parents who believed in me more than myself.


Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Time Flies

Trying to be part of everything, running away from certain moments just to go get what i want ended me telling you time flies, this moment i feel i have been envied upon and also hurt so many people by just not giving them the time they needed with me. This regret is the worst of em all, i hardly see myself reached anywhere by missing those moments. I have tried sometimes not to, but still ignored and went on chasing after something. I have traveled thousands of miles away right now, family, the most support i would have i left them behind to just win my fame. They held me up so many times, i've been through BAD moments and they never put me down, they always advised and encouraged me to do good and be good. It sounds so common, yet for me at this moment that is the most important one i am in search on. Watching inspirational videos, motivational talks, life without, life after, suspense, and reading biographies. God dammit this aint the situation i figured myself in. You would always want that ONE SOUL, one shade over to tell you, I believe in you, You can do it, made me feel i have already done it. Here i mention about my mother, she made me a man i am today, exert herself all day and night for my happiness, made sure i was healthy and wealthy every time, she .... words are not enough. I miss you, I just want to come back to you as soon as possible and live all the days ahead with you, i don't want to see myself hanging around for a believer. You are and you will be the only true believer i will have. Live your moments completely, don't be held back or be rigid on yourself, spare all the time for people who want you in their happiness and sadness make them feel loved. You dont want to see yourself in that position waiting for someone. I'm not carrying a bleeding heart rather I choose to wear my heart upon my sleeve. Peace 

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Is Self-righteousness Right? Do I have to accept it ?

The closeness, fondness, respect, attitude, smile, all this seems to just fade when you don't strike the right chord in your action of life when its required. Taking the most simple example - A relationship, You continue to let it stay it stays happily and not take it in thoughts and strangle it to death?
Regret Regret Regret !! Am i doing it right? I was not asked to be in this obnoxious situation, I indeed brought myself here and swear to that god, its not comfortable to be here. There is no need for one to impose your self qualities/principles on the other just coz you are right and perfect (if you feel so). Let he live by his standards and see where he ends up on his values, you never know he MIGHT be right in his way and he being unique from you. If you were right, he indeed did learn his lesson ! Be this kinda teacher. From this post, I tell clearly please don't be bossed over by anyone in this universe. You are in control of your own emotions and personality, You are alone !! Choose what is right for you...
My point of view here is being unhappy, you have wasted a moment in life. I need a new place to live? Am i wrong trying to save myself?  I am just confused.. I leave it to you readers is that being self-righteous is right on one's part if so it leaves the other blank and unhappy?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

ART Experience !

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”
                                                         ~ Edgar Degas.

Last evening had been to an Art Exhibition, Was my first time experience in there. Let me tell you, what I felt.. The paintings hung over the wall, people murmuring, curators briefing, artists explain their art and what was I doing? Looking at em and wondering.. Every individual painting was vivid, had a deep meaning, gave a deep thought over it as to what the artist would have thought when he got himself with colors and the canvas.. Did he really try to tell what is seen? Why cant it be like this? Does it mean the same as what i have in mind? Among all these were ones that caught me, A painting had this old detached house, storm filled environment and people returned home... !! Another art that depicted the human senses shown in a cycle.. The best one was the art which showed a comparison between a fetus in womb and a fish !! Too many small drawings within and made me think more deep. This experience was amazing, Thank you, for this opportunity for me to realize the meaning of art. I concluded saying.. 
"Art is what you imagine"
And I even heard this statement among the crowd "Only like 40% of the artists really mean the art they do, rest just do the art work for the sake of completion & carry a degree from an art school".
So true !! Some paintings there made totally no sense at all. Even the artist wouldn't have given a thought over it.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

A new start!

Started off bad, you made me wait for an hour. Still i kept my cool and waited. Everything around went past and I kept searching among the crowd for you, till i got a text from you that you already reached i lost it.. Reading the text, led to that sudden rush of emotions kept me high on toes, climbed the three storied building and finally gave a glance at your presence, you waiting to say hello, I ACTED not to notice and ended up entering the room and greeted the other friend. Turned back to see you were not there, had to rush to you and made the best greet, though you deserved more. Time passed, paper cups had holes, blood thinned and talks went on and on. There should be a villain(bad guy) in every scene to make it complete and meaningful, There was one. Don't wanna waste time telling about that loser, I've dirtied my mouth enough and made it clear to the you. When wonderful moments come by, Its goes with the saying, we have no words to express. Thereafter till this moment, everything has been wonderful and inexpressible. You are amazing, ..... what do i thank you for? You have made changes? Made me realize the value? charm? Smartness? Care? Fight? I am living it... I WILL wait for more :)
The end. J-Walking.. Oh no.. JAYWalking, you end up with a raindrop hit your eye in your search of stars... DAY OF MY LIFE.
I want to say this to you, 

"May the wind always be at your back, and the sun always upon your face and the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars"


Monday, June 17, 2013

Graduation !

Day I completed my Undergrad, Listening to music and never focused on the lyrics, Just the tunes, I came up with this...

It is virtually impossible to compete in today's global economy without a college degree.
-Bobby Scott

Now as an Engineer, To focus more in life I set my goals to a higher limit. Engineering was one of it, Achieved ! Ready to face the world of politics, corruption, investments, people, brains nested with em and challenges. (all as to in-terms corporate world). Gosh sounds like so much and I am not ready yet, for whatever reason i had this feeling that I am gonna go through this and have no clue why i had this feeling, its all about Wrestling and to measure the amount of success, how high i go or how much money i make. How do i know that its worth living my life for, Do i need anyone, whom do i need, where do i need?   Else I do it alone? (just to say i already have one, but still want to do it on my own)
This is the solution i came up FOR NOW, for an individual to have  a perfect understanding about their living, Goes like this :) Moments Flyby, people come by, emotions pass by, feelings some stay, some change, some makes you strong or tear apart, at the end no one make u happy than yourself, born in this world with many people around you who are not promised to come along all the way till your last.. So death happens unknowingly ( if you know your death is coming up, stop thinking about and live your life). Do the work, until it satisfies you, Once you are satisfied, There is no need to satisfy nother ! Self realization and self confidence can drive an individual to any heights and make his living worthwhile !

Dated : 15-06-2013

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Life better than your Dream

"You know you're in love
when you can't fall asleep
because reality is finally better than your dreams"
- Dr.Suess

An exquisite meaning in the quote !
You can define it in many possible ways,

--> Hard work by a person, lets him live the REALITY more and DREAM less.

--> Fallen in love with someone, want you to stay awake all night and feel the presence around your loved one.

--> A business man builds his business to high stakes to be a millionaire in REALITY than in DREAMS

--> A newborn baby fights back its sleep to see the colors in life and not DREAM.

'Not all dreamers have lost their dreams,
Likewise not all dreams are with the dreamers'

"Dream the vision you want to live,
not the vision you wanted to live"
... Manjhunath